Renaissance undertook the full mechanical and electrical design for the exhibition auditorium & Atrium, administration offices, cafe and retail unit.
The Cunard Building is Iconic to Liverpool, in that it one of the 3 Graces that feature in all of the photographs of Liverppol. It is an architecturally protected building, A2 listed, and works had to be vetted and approved by Liverpool City Council Architectural Department and Engish Heritage.
As the design of the exhibition developed, Renaissance also became involved in the cabinet and display lighting, LED and colour changing lighting, and the DMX contol units. Control was by both dedicated cables and Wi-Fi units.
This exhibition had a need for a dedicated Data Room, a direct fibre optic pipeline giving access and a back up circuit into the Internet. The design called for cabling for data, comm.s, FTP, DMX, speaker, CCTV, Wi-Fi, Fire, Disabled access, EPOS and intruder and tamper alarms. Additionally, Renaissance had to design the interfaces for integtrating the fire, intruder alarm, CCTV and disabled access with the Landlord systems.
The main auditorium had a need for heating and cooling and fresh amaient air flow requirements that had to be complementry to the main display units. Equally, the Cafe and retial store had large feature windows, which faced South onto the Mersey, which gave rise to large solar gain issues for delivering amient cooling for thier clients.
Abercorn Construction
M&E design, project management, lighting, controls